A Business Entity's Website for Public Notice

Welcome to the trademarked business entity JEFFREY ALLEN HILL’s (TM/SM) website. This tradename is claimed by the trademark owners under common law with the exclusive rights to use in commerce and is registered through the Minnesota Secretary of States’ Office at Trademark owners have the highest rights to use under their common law claims.


All Products are Non-returnable and Non-Refundable.

There are only Three ways that you can obtain our Products.
1. By Our Written Consent.
2. By Way of a License.
3. In Violation of (By force or duress) of our Copyrights, Trademarks and Servicemarks.

The final is an Infringement of a Trade Secrete and is a violation of Law. In Fact it is a Crime depending on how you obtained our Copyrighted Materials.
We want to notice you that if you Infringe on our Copyrighted Materials,(Intelluctual Properties) we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the Law.

Assumed Business Name

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